
Dragged deeper into winter...

8 December 2008. IVPP, Beijing, China

After a weekend of intense fever, I arrived at my desk this morning feeling a bit wobbly and dehydrated.

Who knew it would be so cold?

[looking southeast from the IVPP, into the rising sun at 0715]

The sky is cloudier today than it has been in the past few days. Perhaps we will get some snow soon. Maybe snow will make it better; at least then I will admit I am not in Los Angeles anymore.

I got some thermals because the infinite layers of T-shirts don't keep me warm anymore.



Ryan said...

Well, I guess it's better than no post at all. Just kidding. Hope you feel better soon!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear you weren't feeling well--I didn't know it was possible for you to get sick! Glad to hear you're a bit better, and hope you're back to your normal self soon! (Are you still running?!)


Anonymous said...

turn on the air condition when u are in the office:)or at least close the window or the door, u will feel much better. take care of yourself while away from home:)

Unknown said...

I got some thermals because the infinite layers of T-shirts don't keep me warm anymore.

Ha! Sounds like the extreme of what I'm feeling right now.... I told you about that strange November heat wave out here, right? Well, now it's suddenly freezing, and I don't have the clothes for it...I had to dig into the depths of my closet just for a jacket to wear.

Take care, and feel better Jack.
